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Enreach tips and checklist for carefree life
Password set and reset
To reset your password for enreach, go to , enter your username and click Search. After the page has guided you to Voice Center, click forget password.
Enter your username and the phone number attached to your profile. Please make sure the format is in an international format without any spaces or hyphens in between. Then click send request. After this you will receive an email containing a link to reset your password. If you haven’t received the reset link to your email, please check that it hasn’t gone to your Junk mail and that you have entered the information to Voice Center correctly.
After receiving the reset link, please follow the link within 30 minutes of receiving it as the link will expire.
Enter your username and the new password. The password must be at least 8 characters, contain at least 1 Capital letter, a number or a special character and not contain your name. Repeat and confirm the new password and click Set new password.
Now you can login to all your Enreach services with your new password.
PUK-code for users mobile subscription
To get users Mobile subscriptions PUK code, go to Voice Portal at Login with your username and password and enter the verification code you have received to your email.
Search for the user in the list, click the user open and you will see the Mobile subscription and on the right hand side you will find the PUK code for the SIM card.
Temporary freeze
To temporarily close a users Mobile subscriptions, go to Voice Portal at Login with your username and password and enter the verification code you have received in your email.
Search for the user in the list, click the user open and you will see the Mobile subscription and on the right hand side you will find a wrench icon. Click the icon and you will get the option for Freeze phone. The subscription will be freezed untill it is opened. and suspended will be shown next to the mobile subscriptions ACTIVE information.
To open a freezed subscription, click the wrench icon and then click the unfreeze phone option. The subscription will be opened shortly and will require that the mobile device is rebooted.
Roaming limit change
To change users Mobile roaming limit, go to Voice Portal at Login with your username and password and enter the verification code you have received in your email.
Search for the user in the list, click the user open and you will see the Mobile subscription. Click Order changes, then click on the expand/collapse icon next to the mobile subscriptions phone role and you will see a settings icon appear next to the wrench icon on the right hand side. Clicking that will allow you to see the roaming limit setting and an edit icon will appear between the two previous icons. Clicking that icon allows you to change the roaming limit for the subscription.
After updating the limit, click send order and confirm the order.
Roaming limit is now changed and will be set, user should wait for 10 minutes and reboot the mobile device so the settings are completed.
Vacation menu
Log in to Voice Center and open General Settings.
From Work time transfers check that Off work is set to Menu and Save. From Off work transfer section check that Transfer - All is set to Menu and Save.
Menu function allows that when someone calls your numbers they are offered the options as follows ""Press 1 to connect to mobile. Press 2 to leave a message."" If you also additionally wish to offer the caller a third option for them to Press 3 and the call will be forwarded. You can set the forward target from Additional features, Menu target. Setting a phone number there will then forward the call to the designated target.
After these settings are confirmed, choose
Availability and set your Off work schedule from the right hand side.
Change the Availability to Offwork.
Set start time.
Set End time (if no specific end time, choose Continuous.
You may add a note to give additional information to colleagues to see in the phone directory during your time off and save.
Vacation menu is now set and will be set according to the scheduled availability. Please remember to remove Menu from settings once they are not needed anymore.
Call Channel: changing schedule and announcements
To set an exception to call channels opening hours, log in to Voice Center and open Service pool Management.
Click on the call channel that you want to modify.
Click Settings, and you will have access to the call channels basic functionalities and Exceptions.
To set the exception, choose the announcement you want to have played during the exception or use the Text option to write the announcement for our text to speech reader.
Choose from the schedule drop down list timespan and set the start and end time you wish the call channel to be closed and the announcement you have set to be played.
Call channel will now be closed during the time you have set and the announcement played.
If you wish to record your own announcement, you can upload it from the bottom right hand corner and clicking Create new prompt. From here you can give the announcement a name, short description and upload the recorded file. After clicking Save the announcement will be available in the drop down list for you to set on the exception.
Please remember that if you want the recording done by Enreach, to order it at least one week in advance.
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Enreach in brief
At Enreach, we offer the smartest voice technology on the market to modernize voice communication across enterprises. We deliver voice to all terminals and context through cloud and enrich the voice with data. Voice, combined with data, insights and analytics creates exceptional performance, intimacy and insights - leaving people to focus on the essentials and to succeed.
Our customers want to be forerunners in their own industry and in offering and developing outstanding customer experiences. We work closely with e.g. Salesforce and Microsoft.
At Enreach every employee can contribute to the growth story of the company and give his/her best in an enthusiastic and encouraging working atmosphere. Enreach has a firm financial standing with a recurring revenue of 95 %.
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