The Hub of Contact Magic

Customer service in 2024: Tips & key metrics for success

Written by Enreach | 19 Jul 2024

Customer service. Those two words are the heartbeat of your business. 💜

It's where all customer questions, complaints, and compliments are handled. In this guide, we’ll explain what customer service is and how to elevate it into a strategic advantage.

Plus, discover the future with AI and chatbots! No, they won't take over the world (yet!), but they will streamline processes and make your customers feel like royalty. We'll share tons of practical tips and strategies to keep your customers happy and coming back for more.

So, grab your coffee , buckle up, and let's transform your customer service game from "okay" to "amazing!" 🚀


What is customer service and why is it important? 

Customer service is the support and assistance a company offers to its customers before, during, and after a purchase. It encompasses all the ways a business interacts with its customers to build relationships, answer questions, resolve issues, and ultimately create customer satisfaction. 

The power of great customer service  

Great customer service keeps customers happy and coming back. When customers feel heard and supported, they're more likely to return and recommend your business to others. This loyalty translates to long-term success. 

Great customer service benefits everyone–your agents, too. A positive experience and reputation lead to higher employee morale and a stronger market position for your business.

Is there a difference between customer service, customer support, and customer care?

Yes, there are subtle differences. Here’s a breakdown: 

  • Customer Service: The overall approach to interacting with customers before, during, and after a purchase. 
  • Customer Support: A specific part of customer service focused on fixing problems with a product or service. 
  • Customer Care: A proactive strategy to build relationships and loyalty with customers. 

However, they are increasingly merging. Why?

Companies are becoming more customer-centric, prioritising overall satisfaction and loyalty. Customer service is no longer just about reacting to problems, but about building long-term relationships.

What tasks does a customer service rep actually do?

Customer service representatives are the backbone of any customer-focused business. Here's a look at their daily tasks:

  • Answering inquiries across channels: They handle a variety of questions – product features, troubleshooting, order status, billing – through phone, email, and chat. Chatbots often provide support for basic questions, but human expertise is essential for complex issues.
  • Resolving issues and turning things around: Effectively managing complaints and resolving problems is a key skill. Customer service reps listen attentively, identify the problem, and work towards solutions that leave customers feeling satisfied.
  • Gathering valuable customer insights: They act as information gatherers, collecting customer feedback through conversations, surveys, or social media analysis. This feedback is then shared with other departments like product development, marketing, or sales, helping to improve products and services.
  • Keeping customers informed: Sharing information about contracts, company updates, and other relevant news through various channels ensures customers stay informed and engaged.

The skills that make a difference

Great customer service reps go beyond simply answering questions. Here are the essential skills they should possess:

  • Empathy: The ability to understand customer concerns and frustrations allows agents to connect with them on a deeper level and provide solutions tailored to their needs.
  • Conflict resolution: Effectively resolving conflicts is crucial. Exceptional customer service reps can navigate challenging situations calmly and find solutions that leave everyone satisfied.
  • Deep product knowledge: Expertise in your product or service is essential. The more your agents know, the better equipped they are to answer questions, solve problems, and provide exceptional service.

These skills are the key to turning everyday interactions into positive experiences that keep customers coming back for more.

⭐ Become a customer service superstar. Our blog covers the 10 key customer service skills and how to develop them, packed with practical tips to help you shine!

Enreach survey: What do consumers expect from customer service?


Customer service expectations have never been higher. We conducted a panel survey on the state of customer service in the Nordic countries.

What’s surprising?

Despite the rise of digital interactions, many customers still prefer the personal touch of phone calls and face-to-face meetings for complex issues. Surprisingly, over half of the respondents feel that companies should invest more in these personal contact channels. Plus, poor customer service can lead to significant customer loss, with nearly a third switching providers after bad experiences.

📊 Download our survey to uncover all insights!

What makes customer service stand out in 2024?

Customer service in 2024 is all about creating memorable experiences that leave customers saying "wow." It's not just about answering emails or calls as quickly as possible; it's about making every interaction feel personal and truly helpful.

Imagine surprising customers with customised solutions, loyalty rewards, or even a friendly birthday message – that's what transforms service into an experience they'll remember.

At Enreach, we believe in treating every customer like a VIP.

By using smart tools like CRM systems and AI, your customer service agents have access to a wealth of information about your customers. Past interactions, preferences, even potential issues – it's all there! This lets them tailor their communication for each customer, making it more relevant and helpful. 

The result? 

Happier customers who are more likely to stick around.

How do we measure great customer service?

So how do you know if your customer service is hitting the mark? Here are a few key metrics to keep an eye on:

  • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): This score tells you how happy customers are after a specific interaction. Think of it like a report card for each interaction your team has.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): This metric goes beyond satisfaction and dives into loyalty. It asks customers how likely they are to recommend your business to others. High NPS scores mean you're creating loyal fans!
  • Customer Effort Score (CES): This score measures how much work a customer has to put in to get their issue resolved. The less effort it takes, the happier they'll be!
  • First Contact Resolution (FCR): This metric tracks how often customer issues are solved on the very first try. Efficient and effective agents mean happy customers who don't have to keep calling back.

These are just a few of the key metrics you can use to track your customer service performance. By measuring these aspects, you can identify areas where your team is excelling and pinpoint opportunities for improvement. It's all about making sure your customer service is the best it can be!

🎯 Explore all key metrics: Discover what good customer service is and how to measure and achieve it.

Customer service: The heart of customer experience

Customer service is more than a support function; it's the heart of the entire customer experience, shaping how customers perceive your brand. At Enreach, we take customer experience seriously. That's why we don't work in silos – all our teams work together seamlessly.

Our Customer Experience department is structured into three core teams: delivery projection, customer support, and customer relationship management. These teams meet weekly to discuss:

  • How are our customers doing?
  • The status of internal projects.
  • Updates from other departments.
  • Key takeaways from management meetings.

By keeping everyone on the same page and working together, we can ensure our customer service is top-notch. This happy crew is what makes the magic happen, leaving a lasting impression on every customer they interact with.

4 tips for exceptional customer service

You want to know how to give great customer service? Here are four top tips to elevate your strategy:

  1. Strategic Automation: Implement AI-driven tools to handle routine tasks efficiently, freeing up human agents to focus on complex and emotionally charged interactions. This balance between technology and human touch enhances service quality and efficiency.
  2. Personalisation: Use CRM systems and AI tools to offer personalised service by recognizing customers as unique individuals and tailoring interactions to their specific needs and preferences. Personalization fosters stronger customer relationships and loyalty.
  3. Omnichannel Support: Provide a seamless experience across all customer interaction channels, ensuring that customer information is integrated and accessible. This approach improves satisfaction and engagement by delivering a consistent and cohesive service experience.
  4. Proactive Service: Anticipate customer needs and address potential issues before they arise using predictive analytics and a deep understanding of customer behaviour. Proactive service reduces problem escalation and demonstrates a commitment to customer care.

What is great customer service in a call centre?

In calls, tone and empathy rely on vocal cues. Great customer service in a call centre goes beyond just resolving issues. This means agents who pay close attention to the customer's concerns without interrupting. 

Use a friendly and professional tone, avoiding technical jargon and ensuring clear and concise explanations. Clearly explain next steps and timelines, managing the customer's expectations throughout the interaction.

Agents with a strong knowledge base aim to resolve issues on the first call whenever possible, minimising hold times and repeat calls.

Beyond phone calls: The diverse world of customer service channels

Phone calls may be the first thing that comes to mind, but today's customer service offers a variety of channels to best serve your customers' needs:

  • Phone: Ideal for complex issues and a personal touch.
  • Live Chat: Perfect for quick questions and real-time support.
  • Email: Best suited for detailed inquiries and asynchronous communication.
  • Social Media: A must-have for prompt public responses and building trust.
  • Website: Offers self-service options like FAQs and contact forms.

The contact centre: Your customer experience hub

A contact centre isn't another channel, it's the central hub that unites them all. It seamlessly handles customer service interactions across phone calls, emails, chats, social media, and more. The contact centre equips agents with everything they need to deliver a smooth and positive experience for every customer, no matter how they reach out.

📞 Curious about contact centres? Learn what they are and why you need one.

Customer service on every channel: Mastering omnichannel service

Managing multiple customer service channels can be complex. Customers today expect a seamless experience, regardless of their preferred channel – phone, email, chat, or social media.

Omnichannel to the rescue!

Omnichannel customer service bridges the gap, providing consistent and efficient support across all channels. This means:

  • Customers choose their preferred channel.
  • Agents have a complete view of customer interactions.
  • Information is centralised, avoiding repetitive communication.

The result? Satisfied customers who feel valued and a more streamlined support experience for everyone.

💁 Find out how to succeed with omnichannel customer service.

Must-have customer service tools

Customer service tools are technologies and platforms that empower contact centres and agents to deliver efficient, high-quality support. 

They work their magic by automating repetitive tasks, freeing up agents to focus on the real problems. Plus, they streamline workflows, making everything run smoother and saving loads of time and resources.

Speaking of saving, these tools can also work wonders for your budget. Efficient processes and happier agents mean lower operational costs – that's a win-win!

Enhance your omnichannel customer experience with a voice cloud solution. Here’s how it can benefit your business: 

  • Eliminating long wait times: Cloud-based systems quickly connect customers to the right agent, reducing frustration and improving satisfaction.
  • Intelligent routing: Voice recognition and smart IVRs ensure customers reach agents best equipped to handle their needs, leading to faster resolutions.
  • Building loyalty: Rapid and personalised service helps build stronger customer relationships and loyalty.

Empower modern customer service with Enreach

Enreach offers a suite of solutions designed to help medium and large enterprises modernise their customer service operations. Our focus is on integrated enterprise voice solutions that seamlessly embed voice channels across various business tools and processes.

This translates to effortless customer interactions for your agents. Enreach integrates with major CRM and productivity platforms like Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics 365, and Microsoft Teams. Imagine making and receiving calls, while accessing all relevant customer data, directly within your Salesforce interface.

Enreach's solutions go a step further by leveraging mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) capabilities. This ensures fixed-mobile convergence, meaning calls are never missed and all details are automatically logged in your CRM.

Discover Enreach’s solutions

From chatbots to personalisation: AI in customer service

AI is no longer just a buzzword - it's actually here to be your sidekick in customer service. It tackles routine and repetitive tasks. A chatbot can answer quick questions while freeing up human agents for the trickier problems.

Download your free whitepaper

AI can analyse vast amounts of data to understand your customers better, like what they like (and dislike!) about your service. AI lets you personalise their experience, recommending products they'll actually love.

AI can even help with languages! AI-powered tools can handle multilingual support with ease. 

AI can even predict what your customers might need before they even ask. Imagine getting a helpful tip before you even run into a problem – that's some seriously impressive customer service!

⚙️ Curious how it works? Here’s how AI can supercharge your service

Balancing technology with emotional intelligence

AI is awesome, but let's be honest, chatbots aren't winning any empathy awards. 

When someone's feeling frustrated, there's no replacement for a real person who can listen and help. That's why emotional intelligence is a superpower for customer service pros. It's about understanding how customers feel and using that to find solutions. 

By training agents with real-life scenarios, you can equip them to handle anything. They'll learn to calm things down, pick up on clues (like when someone's voice gets shaky), and see the situation from the customer's perspective. This creates a positive experience for every customer, making sure that even frustrated ones walk away feeling heard and understood.

What does the future of customer service look like?

Our updated guide is packed with tips on emotional intelligence, omnichannel experience, and AI implementation to help you stay ahead.